Touchscreen Monitors vs. Non-Touchscreen Monitors

August 01, 2021

Touchscreen Monitors vs. Non-Touchscreen Monitors

"Touch or not to touch, that is the question," said Shakespeare if he were alive today and wanted to buy a monitor for his computer. Jokes aside, it can be confusing to decide which type of monitor to buy. On one hand, touchscreens can be more interactive and user-friendly. On the other hand, non-touchscreen monitors can be more affordable and practical for certain tasks. In this blog post, we compare both touchscreen and non-touchscreen monitors to help you make an informed decision.

Touchscreen Monitors

Touchscreen monitors have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially with the rise of touch-based operating systems such as Windows 10 and macOS. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of touchscreens monitors:


  1. Interactive: Touchscreens can give a more interactive and intuitive computing experience. You can use your fingers to swipe, zoom, and navigate around the screen, making it more engaging and user-friendly.
  2. Multitasking: Touchscreens can allow you to multitask with ease. You can open multiple windows, drag and drop files, and switch between apps quickly and smoothly.
  3. Drawing and Design: Touchscreen monitors can be ideal for drawing, sketching, painting, and graphic design. You can use a stylus or your fingers to create digital art with precision and accuracy.


  1. Price: Touchscreen monitors can be more expensive than non-touchscreen monitors due to the added technology required for touch functionality.
  2. Reflections: Touchscreens can be more prone to reflections and smudges, which can be distracting and make it harder to view the screen.
  3. Maintenance: Touchscreens can require more maintenance and cleaning to keep them free from fingerprints and smudges.

Non-Touchscreen Monitors

Non-touchscreen monitors have been around for much longer than touchscreens and are still widely used today. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of non-touchscreen monitors:


  1. Price: Non-touchscreen monitors can be more affordable than touchscreen monitors, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious consumers.
  2. Productivity: Non-touchscreen monitors can be more efficient for certain tasks, such as programming, data entry, and word processing. The lack of touch functionality can make it less distracting and increase productivity.
  3. Less Reflections: Non-touchscreen monitors can be less prone to reflections than touchscreen monitors, which can make them easier to view in bright environments.


  1. Interactivity: Non-touchscreen monitors can be less interactive and user-friendly than touchscreen monitors. You may have to use a mouse or keyboard to navigate around the screen, which can be slower and less intuitive.
  2. Creativity: Non-touchscreen monitors may not be ideal for creative tasks such as drawing or graphic design.
  3. Multitasking: Non-touchscreen monitors can make multitasking more difficult, especially with multiple windows and apps open.

In conclusion, both touchscreen and non-touchscreen monitors have their advantages and disadvantages, making them suitable for different purposes and preferences. Touchscreens can provide a more interactive and intuitive computing experience, but they can also be more expensive and require more maintenance. Non-touchscreen monitors, on the other hand, can be more affordable and efficient for productivity tasks but may lack the interactivity and creativity of touchscreens.


  1. "Touchscreen vs. Non-Touchscreen Monitors: Which Is Best for You?" UPLIFT Desk.
  2. "Touch Screen vs Non-Touch Screen Monitors." Insane Throttle Biker News.
  3. "Pros and Cons of Touch Screen Monitors." Omnimax.
  4. "Non-Touch Monitors vs. Touch Monitors: Which Is Best for You?" HP Store.

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